H380 8lbs – Hodgdon Powder



Aside from the 220 Swift, 243, and 257 Roberts, the H380 performs admirably in a variety of other excellent varmint cartridges.

8lb Hodgdon H380

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Hodgdon H380

When Bruce “B.E.” Hodgdon first used it, this spherical rifle propellant had no name. His 22-caliber wildcat, now known as the 22-250, produced one-hole groups with a 38.0-grain charge behind a 52-grain bullet, inspiring him to name the powder H380. H380 also gives outstanding results when fired from fine varmint cartridges such as the 220 Swift, 243, and 257 Roberts.


Hodgdon H380 Smokeless Powder (1 lb.) - Precision ReloadingH380 – HodgdonHodgdon H380 powder - Nex-Tech Classifieds

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8lb, 1lb


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