Hodgdon #800X 8 Lb. Keg



Among the benchrest and small game cartridges that do well in this barrel are the 6mm PPC, 22 PPC, 6mm BR, 223 Rem, and 222 Rem. Also, the 308 Winchester and the 204 Ruger benefit greatly when using light match bullets. Those who reload for shooting competitions will appreciate the fine granules and the ease with which they flow through progressive presses.

8lb Hodgdon Benchmark

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hodgdon 800


These massive flakes of powder are perfect for 28- to 10-gauge heavy field loads.

hodgdon 800

800X performs exceptionally well in common handgun cartridges such as the 10mm auto and 44 Remington Magnum. High precision is the result of high velocity and velocity uniformity.

800-X 8 Lb – Hodgdon Powder - Meridian-firearms.comHodgdon #800X 8 Lb. Keg - Meridian-firearms.comHi-Skor 800-X – Hodgdon

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1lb, 4lb, 8lb


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